Landing page, Grunts Pilot Bots
"Aerial photography for your business"
Grunts Pilot Bots is a drone company. It provides aerial photo and video services for different kind of uses and clients. The company is based on a little piece of land next to Rouses Point a place near to Montrèal. The client needed a digital place where sell his product and advertise his services starting from video and photo aerial materials.


First proposals

Second Proposals

Third Proposal

Style Guidelines Drones

Logo Proposal
Grunts Pilot Bots
Grunts Pilot Bots is a company that provides personalized aerial services and holds drones to map and film structures and pieces of land. After an analysis of the business, it has been reflected the potential need, giving value to all the materials of the company and how it could present them to every kind of clients.
Creative Process
The creative process considered different tools and phases to reach the goal: starting from the analysis of the competitors, we proceed with the generation of the sketches. The sketches gave us the possibility to give variations and present a mockup of the final brand identity. The logo reflected the values of the company and present a strong symbol that was easy to apply. The tool used was Weebly, and we started from a website already made. Here are the different phases:
The process
1// Client Brief, Q&A Session
2// Brainstorming
3// Logo Sketching
4// Reviews and discussion
5// Benchmarking
6// Wireframing
7// Prototype
8// Website
Brand identity

Grunts Pilot Bots, Logo Original Version

Grunts Pilot Bots, Logo Black and White

Grunts Pilot Bots, Image presentation and description
The clients provided media materials which has been used to complete the website and all his features. This gave the chance to think about all the sections of the website, starting from the homepage to the extension (called shop) where it is possible see the e-commerce of the client.
Website and mobile