1. Scenario
Sustainability and the climate challenge are topics always more important in our community. Sometimes it's not easy to explain it easily to the younger generation; consequently "Sanctuarii" is a cooperative board game that takes advantage of gamification dynamics to support sustainability and encourage people to take action against climate change.
Value proposition
Is it possible to educate the new generations through a game based on sustainability?
2. Benchmarking
Serious game
The scope of the serious games is not oriented to the entrainment but instead is thought to teach and educate scope. The goal is to create an educative experience made by a positive and efficient experience. Various different games have been analyzed, such as Spent, Foldit, Information Tower, and SnowWorld. All these game was made to support people learning one topic over time.
User Research
Several user types of research have been conducted in order to explore the social context: online surveys, desk research, personas, and statistic analysis.
The user Persona helped us to understand the needs of each people and build projects based on their actual daily life. Five different students were analyzed and interviewed in order to understand pain points, needs, and issues. Through the Persona it was possible to design a better project made to the needs of people.
Project Goal
1- Make people collaborate for the finality of the game
2 - Obtain Interaction and Learning
3 - Transmit the "anxiety" of the end of the world
4 - Make people think about climate challenges and solutions to afford the problem, how we can do this?
3. World Generation & Identity
"2075. Intense and continuous environmental catastrophes have generated chaos and the planet is close to collapse. Onlyan ancient prophecy can change everything: it is the prophecy of the Four Ancient Tribes, guardians of four Sanctuaries that seem to have incredible powers." The game provided of a coherent story that generated information about some tribal habits and legends. These habits transformed the game in a story to read and understand.

4. Game elements

5. Digital extension
Qr code and digital information
Qr code
Every card has a link on a web app page able to inform the people of some details of each climate change consequence. Consequently the users will be able to acquire more statistics and informations about that event online, navigate the webapp.
The damage of each climate catastrophe is quantified by the app. The card will cause an amount of damage measured by the same in the real life, so it will destroy some part of the ecosystem and

6. Executives

Front Graphic Game Table

Back Graphic Game Table
7. User Testing
User Test #1
During the user testing the team found out features to implement and new dynamics of playing. This gave us the possibility to implement new dynamics and avoid the mistake of designing. In particular, we gave more power to the user in the way he can do different game choices.
User Test #2
The second user test involved the last phase of the project. During the test, we collected some feedback from the players. We discovered as the game is pretty playable more times, changing every time the map they will discover. The main points are:
1 - Play the games more times
2 - Strategy and unexpected facts
3 - Teamplay, the players want to play for the team squad, developing skills such as collaboration and problem-solving
4 - Learning, sustainable facts work and the user is interested in the damage to the cards

Impact and next steps
The project built gamification dynamics and teach how through gamification is possible to teach and encourage people to the right behaviors.
1. Encourage users to take action against the climate challenge
2. Learn about sustainability
3. Interest in the field of climate change
4. Gamification has a fundamental role to guide the innovation
The game needs more testing and functionalities, moreover the elements are too many and needs to think about reduce the amount of materials used for cards and packaging.