Global Shapers Palermo Hub, corporate identity
Role: Art Direction, Web Design, Social Media Manager

Contemporary Art gallery, Soho, New York
Role: Ux & Ui Designer, Brand Designer, Graphic Designer

Vono - Redesign the memo application
Role: Ux Design, Graphic Design

Tu*tto, daily delivery next to you
Role: Ux Design, Graphic Design

Easymathx, Youtube Learning Channel
Role: Graphic Designer, Web Designer

Logo-folio Logo Design

Grunt Pilot Bots, aerial photography company, New York
Role: Graphic Design, Logo Design, Web design

Aliança do Packaging de Papel, Portugal
Role: Graphic Design, Art Director

A Steam for Steel, give value to steel factories
Role: Brand Designer

GraspGrub, Tycoon market game, Turin
Role: Ux Designer, Storyteller, Copy

Sanctuarii, cooperative table game, Thesis
Role: Graphic Designer, Storyteller, Game Designer

Palermo4.0, online workshop
Role: Graphic Designer

Pheel, innovation project
Role: User Experience Designer, Graphic Designer

#Palermoèlamiacasa, urban photography project
Role: Photography, Art direction